Unlocking Your Potential
Edinburgh Dyslexia Services

Assessment of Literacy-Related Difficulties
for Children and Adults
What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a learning difference that primarily affects accurate and fluent reading and writing. It is a hereditary, neurodevelopmental condition that exists in all cultures and abilities.
Individuals with dyslexia will have many strengths as well as specific difficulties. Analysing the strengths within a learning profile is the first step in designing a programme of intervention.
Some examples of possible strengths and challenges .....
visual thinking
verbal skills
emotional intelligence
social interaction
problem solving
oral expression
big picture thinking
spatial reasoning
reading and spelling
processing text-based information
time management
sequencing and directionality
memory for abstract information
following verbal instructions
number skills
If this learning difference is not identified or supported. it can result in low self-esteem, stress and underachievement. It can also impact the behaviour in the learning environment.
A formal identification of dyslexia will include a detailed learning profile including the individual's specific areas of difficulty. Importantly, it will also highlight learning preferences and strengths specific to the person which is the foundation for appropriate educational adjustments and targeted intervention, giving them the best opportunity them to reach their full potential.
Why Assess?
A full diagnostic assessment is the most effective way to identify dyslexia. A greater understanding of the nature of learning difficulties can have a positive, life-long impact for children and adults. Beyond school, a professional diagnostic report is required to access support (educational and financial) in further education and the workplace.
Further benefits of Diagnostic Assessment are
identify strengths and challenges within an individual's cognitive profile
understand why expected progress is not being made
discover the learning preferences of the individual and indicate appropriate teaching modifications
ensure intervention is more targeted to the specific needs of the learner
support exam access arrangements
provide evidence for Disability Students Allowance Application (financial support for students with additional learning needs in further education)
enhanced productivity in the workplace as a result of bespoke recommendations and specific workplace adjustments
Screening tools are designed to point towards the possibility of dyslexic characteristics but can result in under or over-identification of specific learning difficulties.
The British Dyslexia Association summarises the process of assessment
Assessments are selected to identify strengths and weaknesses and indicate learning preferences and strategies that will support your educational journey.
Before the assessment process begins, background information must be gathered from parents and teachers. The individual learner will have the opportunity to discuss their educational experience and any skills and strategies that are supporting them.
A follow-up feedback session with the parents and school ensure the report is discussed and any questions answered.
Educational Assessments
Cognitive ability tests provide a valuable insight into the way individuals with literacy difficulties process information.
Phonological Processing will be assessed as it is widely agreed that phonological processing abilities are a good predictors of word reading and spelling.
It is also important to consider visual discrimination deficits and speed of processing as well as a variety of memory tests.
A number of literacy attainment tests and morphological structure items will give a complete picture of the learners abilities.
Diagnostic Report
The final report will offer specific, bespoke recommendations on the best ways educators can support learning. It will point towards appropriate exam accommodations, including extra times, assistive technology reader or scribe.
The report will also strengthen an application for Disability Student Allowance to cover extra costs of further education due to an additional learning need.
There will be an record of observations and comments made by the examinee to give a detailed account and to direct appropriate strategies and teaching methods

Dyslexia Assessment
Including Diagnostic Report: £450
Additional clinical interview to identify characteristics of ADHD for education/employment purposes: £150
BSC Psychology
University of Glasgow
Postgraduate Certificate in Education
Diploma in Specialist Dyslexia Education
University of Middlesex
Level 7 Assessment in Literacy-Related Difficulties
University of Middlesex